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How is APACHE II calculated?

The table below introduces the variables used and the number of points awarded to each of their intervals. The APACHE II is calculated by a medical professional within 24h of admission and provides an integer score that establishes patient prognosis and mortality risk.

How do you calculate Acute Physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II)?

Use the worst value for each physiological variable within the past 24 hours. Press 'Calculate' to view calculation results. The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) is a severity score and mortality estimation tool developed from a large sample of ICU patients in the United States. 1

What are Apache scores?

APACHE scores are probably the most widely used in Intensive care, to quantify the severity of the illness of the patients. They represent a usefull tool to compare populations of patients, in clinical studies, or in quality audit.

What does APACHE IV mean?

APACHE means Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation. The APACHE II score was published in 1985 ; APACHE IV is the latest version, published in 2006. Built on the study of a more recent patient population and standard of care, it has now become the recommended score to be used instead of APACHE II and III.

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